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Shorgi (Corgi & Shih-Tzu Mix): Info, Pictures, Facts

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

Shorgi (Corgi & Shih-Tzu Mix)

Height: 10–12 inches
Weight: 25–45 pounds
Lifespan: 12–15 years
Colors: Fawn, brown, and red
Suitable for: Active individuals or families with older children
Temperament: Intelligent, loyal, and affectionate

The Shorgi is a designer dog that is the result of mixing a purebred Pembroke Welsh Corgi with a purebred Shih Tzu. While the origins of the breed are unknown, it is likely that they were first established in the late 1990s or early 2000s.

A lively and affectionate little dog, Shorgis love being around people and are more than happy to spend their days following their owners around as they go about their day. However, they can be a bit of a handful around young children and other dogs.

Given their size, the Shorgi could be a good choice for somebody who lives in an apartment, provided that they get out for a walk each day, but Shorgis will be equally happy living in a house with a yard.

divider 10Shorgi Puppies


Before buying a Shorgi, take the time to visit as many breeders as you can and gather as much information about their dogs as possible. While there, ask to meet their adult dogs and take the time to inspect the conditions in which they’re kept. Ideally, the dogs will appear happy and healthy, and their living quarters clean and well-maintained.

A responsible breeder will usually show you all their dogs and allow you to meet and handle the puppies during your visit. However, this may vary if the Shorgi puppies are still extremely young. They will also take the time to answer any questions you have about the breed and when the time comes, also help you pick out your puppy.

Having taken the time to visit several different breeders, you will have a much better idea of which breeder you prefer and an improved understanding of the breed itself.

3 Little-Known Facts About the Shorgi

1. There are two different Welsh Corgi breeds, and both are sometimes used to produce Shorgis.

While closely related, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi are different breeds, and it is important to find out which has been used to produce your hybrid puppy.

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is the most used breed. However, your breeder will be able to tell you for certain which breed is the parent of your puppy.

2. The Pembroke Corgi has a royal connection.

Pembroke Corgis are the favored dog of Queen Elizabeth II, and until quite recently, she was an avid Corgi breeder.

3. The Shorgi is an agile dog.

While you won’t find them winning any agility competitions, the Shorgi is an agile and quick dog, a trait that they inherit from their Shih Tzu parent.

The speed at which these dogs can zip around an apartment is quite amazing. However, this can be problematic, as not only can they be difficult to get hold of when they’re in a playful mood, but Shorgis can quickly get under your feet, seemingly coming from nowhere, and as such, they can be a trip hazard for those who are less mobile and the elderly.

The parent breeds of Shorgi
The parent breeds of Shorgi: Left – Corgi (lucioliu, Pixabay) | Right – Shih-Tzu (Eli S, Shutterstock)

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Shorgi 🧠

The Shorgi is a little dog with plenty of personality. They love being around people and adore spending time with their human family. In fact, they’ve been known to suffer separation anxiety when left for extended periods, and this can result in them becoming destructive.

They are quite intelligent but also have a bit of a stubborn streak that may lead to them ignoring instructions if they decide that they don’t want to do what you’re asking.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 🏡

The Shorgi is quite a good dog for families with older children. They have bundles of energy and love to play, but they don’t like to be constantly poked and prodded and may get snappy with toddlers who get too rough with them.

Shorgis are quite wary of strangers and protective of their families. They will always bark whenever a stranger comes to the door, and in this way, they can be good little watchdogs. Although, due to their size, they are unlikely to be any real threat to a determined burglar.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets? 🐶 😽

If socialized from a young age and raised with other pets, Shorgis can be quite okay with other pets. However, in much the same way that they are wary of strangers, they are also cautious of new animals that you may introduce into the home, and it will likely take time for them to stop seeing your new cat or dog as a threat.

Credit: otsphoto, Shutterstock

Divider 4Things to Know When Owning a Shorgi

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

Shorgis are quite active dogs that always seem to be on the go and as such, need a well-balanced dog food that has been formulated to give them all the nutrients they need.

There are plenty of dog foods available on the market for small to medium dogs, and we recommend finding a high-quality dry dog food that gives them a good mix of meats, vegetables, and grains. As for serving size, this will largely depend on the age and activity level of your dog, and you should follow the guidelines recommended on your chosen dog food.

A word of caution, though: Shorgis have a habit of overeating, and if given too much food, they will quickly become overweight. For this reason, they are not a dog that can be free-fed. Ideally, they should be fed twice a day: once in the morning and once in the evening, with their daily food allowance split evenly between the two feeding times.

Exercise 🐕

Shorgis tend to get plenty of exercise with all the running and playing inside or around their yard. As such, they can get away with one 30-40-minute walk a day, which is as much about stimulating their mind with new and interesting things as it is about the walk itself.

While the breed loves to run around outdoors and play, they are not the sort of dog that will chase a ball or a frisbee for hours. While they may do so for a few minutes, they will quickly tire of the game and simply walk away and refuse to play.

Training 🦮

Shorgis tend to do best when they start obedience training from a young age. They must learn as puppies that you are the leader and that what you say goes. As if they don’t learn this early on, their stubbornness can become a real problem later in life. You may find yourself with a dog that simply does whatever they want to and ignores anything you tell them.

They also require socialization from a young age. This should include getting them used to all the everyday noises and things in the home, such as dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, and washing machines, as well as other pets. Ideally, socialization should also include plenty of time with other dogs, as it is important for them to learn not to associate all other dogs as a threat.

Grooming ✂️

Shorgis are moderate shedders and require regular brushing to ensure that their coats are maintained in the best possible condition. However, how much grooming an individual Shorgi requires will depend largely on the type of coat that they inherit.

Regardless of whether they have a long flowing coat of a Shih Tzu, a medium-length coat of a Corgi, or something in between, Shorgis will only need occasional bathing. As with all dogs, Shorgis should have their teeth brushed regularly with canine toothpaste and will need their nails clipped regularly.

Health and Conditions ❤️

The Shorgi is quite a healthy breed and provided that they are well cared for, they should live a happy and healthy life well into old age.

Like all dogs, though, there are a few health conditions to which they can be susceptible. These include:

Minor Conditions
  • Ear infections
  • Eye infections
  • Progressive retinal atrophy
  • Allergies
Serious Conditions
  • Intervertebral disc disease
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Epilepsy

Divider 5Male vs. Female

Unless you have a preference, there is not a great difference in terms of temperament between male and female Shorgis.

Male Shorgis do tend to be a little larger and more energetic than females; however, given that they are reasonably small dogs, the difference is minimal at best. Females, on the other hand, can be a little more affectionate than males. This can also lead to them being a little more dependent and less likely to cope when left alone for an extended period.

In our opinion, provided that you don’t have any particular preference for a male or female, you are much better off choosing your new puppy based on their personality and energy levels than you are on their sex.

Divider 3Final Thoughts

Given the right training and an owner who can be home with them for most of the day, the Shorgi can be a great pet or companion dog for families or individuals. They are loving and affectionate and genuinely enjoy being with people, which makes them a pleasure to have around. The breed is suitable for apartment living, provided that they get out for a bit of daily exercise.

Some caution should be exercised, however, around young children, as the Shorgi can be a bit snappy if poked and prodded. As such, these dogs are better for families with older children.

See also:

Featured Image Credit: Victoria Rak, Shutterstock

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