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33 Siamese Cat Colors (With Color Chart)

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

siamese cat sitting on the couch

Siamese cats are considered gorgeous and unique felines. These beautiful cats often have a slim body, blue eyes, and pointed dark coloration along the tail, face, and paws. This coloration is formally called “points” since the rest of the cat’s body is primarily white or cream.

Even though all Siamese cats have points, they come in different colors. Interestingly, there are only four colorations accepted by all cat associations, but up to 33 colors have been accepted by different organizations around the globe.

Read on to learn about 33 Siamese colors and how Siamese cats’ colors change throughout their lifetimes.

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33 Siamese Cat Colors


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Now, let’s dive into 33 possible cat colors. We will first look at the four most accepted colors. From there, we will look at each classic point, as well as their tabby, tortie, and/or tortie tabby variety.

1. Seal Point

seal point siamese lying on a velvet clothe
Image By: slowmotiongli, Shutterstock

When most people think of Siamese cats, the Seal Point Siamese is often what they imagine. Seal Points have almost black points, but the points are more of a dark brown color. In comparison to other Siamese cats, the Seal Point has the darkest body.

2. Chocolate Point

Chocolate Points are notably whiter than Seal Points. The primary body color of Chocolate Points is ivory white. As its name suggests, the points on the Chocolate Point are often a cinnamon chocolate color. Because of the white body, these points stand out dramatically.

3. Blue Point

blue point siamese cat_Tatiana Chekryzhova, Shutterstock
Image By: Tatiana Chekryzhova, Shutterstock

Blue Point Siamese cats are appropriately named because most of their body is white with a blueish tint. As the cat ages, most Blue Points become gradually darker. The points are often deep blue or slate-colored. The coloration of the Blue Point is much cooler looking than many of the other Siamese cats.

4. Lilac Point

Lilac point siamese cat
Image By: Colleen Ashley, Shutterstock

Lilac Points, sometimes called Frost Points, have a glacial white body with pink or frosty gray points. Of all Siamese coat colors, the Lilac Point has the lightest body. Even as the Lilac Point ages, the white coat remains.

5. Tabby Point

siamese tabby point sitting
Image Credit: Gridsanakawin Tumdee, Shutterstock

It’s debated whether Tabby Points should be considered Siamese cats because they had to have been bred with another breed at some point or another. It’s believed that Tabby Point Siamese cats were created in Scotland around the 1940s. You may also hear Tabby Points called “Shadow Points” or “Lynx Points.”

Tabby Points stand out from the classic points because they have the traditional tabby “M” marking across their forehead. If their points are too dark, the “M” may not show. There is a Tabby Point version for all classic points.

6. Seal Tabby Point

The Seal Tabby Point has the classic Seal Point Siamese coloration with the distinctive “M” forehead. Since Seal Point Siamese cats have such dark colors, the Tabby Point may be difficult to see.

7. Chocolate Tabby Point

chocolate tabby point siamese
Image Credit: Laura Fokkema, Shutterstock

The Chocolate Tabby Point has chocolate color points with an “M.” Once again, the “M” may not be visible through the Chocolate Point.

8. Blue Tabby Point

Blue Tabby Points are a bit easier to spot than Seal and Chocolate Tabbies. Often, you will be able to see the “M” on the forehead.

9. Lilac Tabby Point

It’s almost guaranteed that you will be able to identify a Lilac Tabby Point. Because Lilac Points are so light, the “M” is always recognizable.

10. Tortie Point

tortie point siamese_Piqsels
Image Credit: Piqsels

Tortie Points are easily the most stunning coloration of a Siamese cat, but they are not always accepted as an official color coat. Tortie Points stand out because their points are made from a tortoiseshell pattern.

Much like Tabby Points, Tortie Points came about by mixing Siamese cats with a different breed that has a tortoiseshell coat. All Tortie Points have traditional Siamese color points, but some are also mixed with Tabby Points.

11. Seal Tortie Tabby Point

Seal Tortie Tabby Points have the Seal coloration, distinctive “M,” and tortoiseshell points. Because of the tortoiseshell points, the points are much darker than the traditional Seal Point.

12. Chocolate Tortie Tabby Point

Chocolate Tortie Tabby Points have an “M” on their foreheads and tortoiseshell points made from primarily chocolate colors.

13. Blue Tortie Tabby Point

Blue Tortie Tabby Points have blue coloration, but there’s also an “M” on the forehead, and the Blue Points are mixed with tortoiseshell.

14. Lilac Tortie Tabby Point

Lilac Tortie Tabby Points have a light color scheme with a distinctive “M” and tortoiseshell points.

15. Red Point


Although not accepted as often as the Seal Point or Lilac Point Siamese, the Red Point is often accepted by cat organizations. You may also know these cats as “Flame Point” or “Orange Point.” Red Points have chestnut or pale pink points. These Siamese cats were crossed with red tabbies or tortoiseshells to create the color.

16. Red Tabby Point

Given that classic Red Point Siamese cats were mixed with tabbies, it’s no shock that you can often find a Red Tabby Point.

17. Cinnamon Point

Cinnamon Points look very similar to Chocolate Points, but they are slightly lighter in the point areas. Their points have a warm brown color, and the faces aren’t overly shaded. The rest of the coat is light, and their nose and pad points are often light brown if not pink.

18. Cinnamon Tabby Point

You can find Cinnamon Tabby Points with cinnamon coloration and an “M” marking on the forehead.

19. Cinnamon Tortie Point

Cinnamon Tortie Points have tortoiseshell points that have a cinnamon color scheme.

20. Cinnamon Tortie Tabby Point

Much like some of the above-mentioned Siamese cats, Cinnamon Points can come in Tortie Tabby.

21. Caramel Point

Caramel Point Siamese cats are often warm-looking. Their points can range from warm gray to brown. The darkness can vary from Caramel Point to Caramel Point, but coloration rarely extends across the cat’s entire head.

22. Caramel Tabby Point

If a Caramel Point has an “M” on its forehead, it is a Caramel Tabby Point.

23. Caramel Tortie Point

Some Caramel Points have tortoiseshell points with caramel-colored schemes.

24. Caramel Tortie Tabby Point

Although not as common as the other Tortie Tabby Points, you can find Caramel Tortie Tabby Points with both an “M” and caramel tortoiseshell.

25. Cream Point

Cream Points are not as accepted as the other basic points. The reason for this is that the Cream Point was created by crossing a Red Point with an Abyssinian and Red Domestic Shorthair. The result is a Siamese cat with a light color scheme. There is very little contrast between the points and the pale coat.

26. Cream Tabby Point

Given that the Cream Point was already mixed with other varieties, it’s relatively common to find a Cream Tabby Point.

27. Fawn Point

Fawn Points look like Seal Points to an untrained eye. However, their points are soft gray yet creamy. They are different from Seal, Chocolate, and Blue Points because the color depth is lighter.

28. Fawn Tabby Point

Fawn Tabby Points can be difficult to distinguish from Seal Tabby or Chocolate Tabby Points, but the color scheme will be lighter around the “M.”

29. Fawn Tortie Point

At this point, you probably understand what it means when you see Tortie Point at the end of a color.

30. Fawn Tortie Tabby Point

Fawn Tortie Tabby Points have both the “M” and tortoiseshell points.

31. Apricot Point

Apricot Points are like Cream Points. There is very little contrast between the cat’s body and its points. You can distinguish between Apricot Points and Cream Points because Apricot Points have more of an orange shade.

32. Apricot Tabby Point

Nearly all Apricot Points are Tabby Points. You can often see tabby stripes extend down the cat’s body, much further than other Siamese tabbies.

33. Foreign White

White Siamese cat with blue eyes
Image Credit: TaniaVdB, Pixabay

If you paid attention above, you would remember only 32 cats have been accepted as a Siamese color, yet there are 33 colors on this list. The last color is Foreign White. Often, the Foreign White is accepted as a completely different breed of cat, but they are often called “White Siamese” cats, which is why we put it on this list. This cat was created by crossing a Siamese with a white British Shorthair.

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About Siamese Cat Colors

Let’s talk about what to expect if you are looking for a Siamese cat with an accepted color. As we mentioned above, 33 Siamese cat colors have been accepted in total, but not all organizations agree as to which color should be accepted.

No matter what cat organization you look at, Seal Point, Chocolate, Blue, and Lilac are accepted. Similarly, Caramel, Cinnamon, Cream, Fawn, Red, Tabby, and Tortie are accepted at most organizations, but not all.

Siamese cats can be separated into three general color patterns, including the classic points, tabby, and tortie. Tabbies and torties are not accepted at all organizations, especially if they are mixed with the classic points. The reason for this is that the Siamese cats had to have been mixed with other breeds at some point to get these coat types.

Even though tabbies and torties aren’t always considered accepted colors for Siamese cats, they make gorgeous coats, nonetheless.

seal point siamese cat walking on grass
Image Credit: slowmotiongli, Shutterstock

Siamese Cat Color Changes

Siamese coats are confusing. In addition to having many possible color points, the Siamese coat color changes as the cat ages.

There are generally four stages of development for the Siamese point development.

  • Siamese cats are born white and have no points at all.
  • Points begin in the cooler regions of the cat’s body first. The cooler regions include the cat’s extremities. You will first see points appear at the tip of the cat’s nose, ears, tail, and paws.
  • Those points will extend more towards the cat’s torso, causing the points to extend over the cat’s face, most of the tail, and most of the legs.
  • Finally, the cat’s torso coat will darken with age. This last step will be more prominent in certain coat colors than others.

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Final Thoughts

If you want to get a Siamese cat, know that there are a lot of point colors to choose from. If you want a classic Siamese cat, we recommend a Seal, Chocolate, Blue, or Lilac, but you can go with any of the other above mentioned coats for a gorgeous Siamese cat that truly stands out.

Featured Image Credit: STARSsoft, Shutterstock

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