46 Dog Breeds That Start With H – Complete List (With Info & Pictures)

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Everyone knows the common dog breeds. There are few people who haven’t heard of a Golden Retriever, a Labrador, or a German Shepherd. But have you ever heard about the Harlequin Pinscher or the Hellenikos Poimenikos? Our guess is that you probably haven’t, which is precisely why we’ve put together this list of the 46 dog breeds that start with the letter H. From the Hairless Khala to the Hygenhund, let’s take a quick look at these interesting and often unknown breeds.
The 46 Dog Breeds that Start with H
1. Hairless Khala Medio
The Hairless Khala is an interesting dog breed for sure. These dogs are dark grey once they reach maturity, with no hair on their bodies. But a tuft of blond hair adorns their face and head, giving them a vivid blonde mohawk that sticks out against their hairless, dark bodies. The Khala Medio is the short-legged version of the Khala, also known as the “pottery” type.
2. Hairless Khala Grande
The Hairless Khala Grande is very similar to the Hairless Khala Medio, but the Grande is a sighthound with longer legs. They’re more agile and coordinated than the Khala Medio, though they still look quite similar, apart from the longer legs.
3. Halden Hound
The Halden Hound was bred in Norway about a century ago. This breed was created by mixing the beagle with several other European hounds. The result is a solidly built scent hound with long limbs that make it agile and nimble. These traits are necessary for hunting hares; the primary reason this dog was bred.
4. Hamiltonstovare (Hamilton Hound)
One of the most popular dog breeds in Sweden, the Hamilton Hound is an athletic animal that was bred for hunting foxes and hares. They’re exceptionally quick with excellent stamina, but their skills are multi-faceted. These dogs have proven to be just as competent as show dogs as they are hunters, which is a major part of this breed’s popularity.
5. Hanoverian Hound
The Hanoverian Hound is a scent hound that can reach 99 pounds. They’re strong and muscular with nearly endless endurance. They’re very independent dogs, bred to be able to track and hunt animals without constant supervision. This can make them a bit difficult to train, though the effort is worth it because they make incredible working dogs.
6. Hare Indian Dog
This breed was originally used in northern Canada by the Hare Indians. They used this athletic breed for the hunt as they were very quick and adept at chasing down their prey. It’s uncertain whether these were domesticated dogs or coyotes since they shared many traits with both. Unfortunately, as primitive hunting methods fell out of favor, this breed died out and became extinct.
7. Harlequin Pinscher
In the 1800s, there was a unique Miniature Pinscher that often displayed uniquely patterned coats of merle, piebald, and even brindle. Unfortunately, this original breed of Harlequin Pinschers died off due to genetic defects that occur during inbreeding. But today, a new breed of Harlequin Pinschers has been established in an attempt to recreate the lost Miniature Pinschers from the past.
8. Harrier Hound
Friendly and people-oriented, the Harrier Hound is a medium-sized hound that’s extremely pack-oriented. They look pretty similar to Beagles, but Harrier Hounds are bigger and more muscular. They’ve been around since the medieval days when they were commonly used to hunt hares.
9. Hava-Apso
This small designer dog breed is a cross between a Havanese and a Lhasa Apso. The result is a tiny little dog that’s bursting with personality. These are loving, outgoing dogs that are always fun and ready to play. They’re generally about 10 inches tall, making them the perfect lap dog. Even better, they’re highly intelligent dogs that learn quickly, helping to make the Hava-Apso a great companion breed.
10. Hava-Boston
A mix between a Boston Terrier and a Havanese, the Hava-Boston is a cute dog with a very easy-going personality. These dogs are mild-mannered but always ready to play. They’re very people-oriented and want to be a part of everything their family does. Plus, these are very smart dogs that are much easier to train than most other breeds, so they’re a great choice for first-time dog owners.
11. Hava-Jack
What do you get when you mix a Havanese and a Jack Russell Terrier? A small designer dog with a rambunctious personality, tons of energy, and an independent nature. These dogs are great family pets and they get along famously with children, but training them can be quite difficult.
12. Hava-Klee
This hybrid breed is a cross between a Havanese and an Alaskan Klee Kai. It’s a pretty rare mix that can take on a wide range of looks and personalities, depending on which parent it takes more genes from.
13. Hava-Wheat
When you cross a Havanese with a Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier, you get the Hava-Wheat. These dogs can range widely in size from a measly eight-pounder up to a medium-sized 30-pound dog. That’s because the Havanese is tiny, generally 6–12 pounds, but the Wheaten is much larger, usually 30–40 pounds. It’s an unlikely mix that results in a wide range of different-looking puppies.
14. Havachin Dog
The Havachin inherits the long, silky coat that both parents wear, the Havanese and the Japanese Chin. This coat requires regular trimming, plus daily brushing to avoid tangles and mats. These dogs are incredibly affectionate and make excellent companion pets, but they need almost constant attention or they’re likely to suffer separation anxiety.
15. Havachon Dog
It seems that the Havenese has been bred with just about every other small to moderate-sized dog, including the Bichon Frise, which creates the loving but stubborn Havachon. These are great family pets that do well with kids. They’re naturally very alert, which makes them great watchdogs. However, due to their size, they’re not great as guard dogs! But they are well adapted for apartment living.
16. Havallon Dog
If you’re looking for a tiny toy-sized pup, you might fall in love with the adorable looks and temperament of the Havallon. This breed is a mix of the Havanese and the Papillon, two tiny dogs that need tons of attention. They don’t do well alone and prefer to have your constant attention. Depending on which parent your Havallon takes after, they may be very quiet or quite vocal.
17. Havamalt Dog
When you mix a Maltese and a Havanese, you get a Havamalt. These little lapdogs are less than 12 pounds in weight and 12 inches in height. They’re the perfect companion pets; always happy, cheery, and fun. These dogs are loving and affectionate with their family, though they tend to be aloof and reserved around strangers.
18. Havana Silk Dog
Loving, playful, and highly intelligent, the Havana Silk Dog is the epitome of a big dog trapped in a small dog’s body. They’re very alert and make great watchdogs. They’re also quiet dogs that rarely bark and are never yappy. They want affection, but they’re not demanding or needy. These dogs are gentle, loving, alert, and ideal companions for individuals and families alike.
19. Havanese Dog
It seems like this little dog has been crossed with just about everyone! And it’s easy to see why. Not only are they incredibly cute, but they also have the sweetest disposition that immediately endears many to them. They’re small dogs, under 12 inches in height, making them the perfect size for cuddling up on your lap. Interestingly, they’re the only dog breed that’s native to Cuba.
20. Havanestie Dog
The Havanestie is a purposeful cross between two breeds that exhibit all the traits that make excellent companion dogs; the Havanese and the West Highland Terrier. Havanesties are loving and friendly. They’re active and always ready to go, but not hyper or overly energetic. These dogs love kids and even get along well with other pets, helping to make them a great family pet or companion for an individual.
21. Havapeke Dog
The Havapeke is a mix between a Havanese and a Pekingese. They’re small with a thick coat that needs daily grooming. These dogs are affectionate, but they’re also very demanding. If you don’t put your foot down and set some boundaries, the Havapeke will attempt to control you. This makes them difficult for many first-time dog owners, though their adorable looks attract many to them.
22. Havashire Dog
Also called the Yorkenese Terrier, the Havashire is the offspring of a Havanese and a Yorkshire Terrier. They’re very small dogs, rarely topping 10 inches or pounds. These are some of the sweetest dogs on the planet, and since they look like small stuffed animals, it’s easy to see how they’ve quickly won the hearts of so many.
23. Havashu Dog
If you haven’t heard enough Havanese crosses yet, here’s another, this time, mixed with a Shih Tzu. Havashus are compact, covered in short, curled fur. They’re smart, lovable, easy to train, and do well in apartments. It’s no wonder people love their Havashus so much! Compared to some of the other Havanese designer breeds, the Havashu is pretty old, dating back a good 30-40 years.
24. Havaton Dog
The Coton de Tulear was crossed with the ever-so-popular for cross-breeding purposes Havanese. The Havaton is a highly intelligent animal that excels in competitive obedience events. But that’s not all; this dog is much more athletic than they may appear. They’re known winners at agility events thanks to their agile, compact bodies.
25. Hawaiian Poi Dog
The Hawaiian Poi Dog used to be a pariah dog native to Hawaii. Pariah dogs are dogs that are half-wild, living around and amongst humans, though not fully domesticated. These dogs were thought of by native Hawaiians as spiritual protectors of their children. Interestingly enough, the same Hawaiians also ate these dogs as a food source.
26. Hellenikos Ichnilatis (Hellenic Hound)
This dog goes by several names, most commonly the Hellenic Hound and the Greek Harehound. As the last name suggests, this dog was bred for hare hunting in southern Greece. These scent hounds have been around for thousands of years, protected from crossbreeding by the rugged region where they lived, which kept outside influences from reaching them.
27. Hellenikos Poimenikos
Also called the Greek Sheepdog or Greek Shepherd, this dog was bred as a guardian for livestock. They are strong dogs with huge heads, able to hold their own against wolves and other predators that might disturb their flock. They’re courageous, independent dogs that require a very firm and experienced hand to train. These dogs are not for the average owner. They’re hard workers who need a job to be satisfied and are best left to the herders.
28. Hertha Pointer
These dogs are exceptional hunters, bred to hunt diverse game small and large. They’re named after the original orange-red Pointer, Hertha, which was crossed with an English Pointer to create the breed back in 1864. These dogs are quite popular in their homeland of Denmark thanks to their excellent hunting abilities and loving, friendly demeanor. However, they’re not easy to find outside of their home country.
29. Highland Maltie
If you like tiny, adorable dogs that are sweet, smart, and alert, then you’ll love the Highland Maltie. This tiny dog is a cross between two incredibly popular breeds; the Maltese and the West Highland White Terrier. They’re upbeat, athletic dogs, though they don’t need as much exercise as most breeds. The Highland Maltie is the definition of a lapdog, making it clear that curling up on your lap is their favorite pastime.
30. Himalayan Chamba Gaddi Dog
More commonly known as the Himalayan Sheepdog, this breed was made for guarding livestock as well as encampments. They’re excellent guard dogs and watchdogs, with a booming, threatening bark that will scare off any would-be intruders. This all makes sense since the breed was created with some input from the Tibetan Mastiff. Unfortunately, the Himalayan Sheepdog is on the verge of going extinct because no dedicated breeders or programs are working to continue the breed.
31. Hokkaido Dog
These strongly built canines are from Japan. They have dignified mannerisms that make them seem quite regal. These are incredibly faithful dogs, ever alert to the world around them. They’re also bold and self-assured, with great judgment that you can trust. These are some of the smartest dogs around and they excel in problem-solving tasks.
32. Hovawart
In German, the name Hovawart roughly translates to yard or farm watchman. They’re naturally protective with a kind disposition but a good sense of danger. They make excellent guard dogs, but that’s just the first of many uses this breed has proven to be perfect for. Right now, these dogs are being used successfully in search and rescue missions, obedience and agility trials, service dog training, and even therapy dog work. Plus, they make excellent, ever-faithful companions.
33. Hug
The Hug is an unlikely mix and the name doesn’t give much away. A cross between a Siberian Husky and a Pug, the Hug can often look like an oversized Pug. And by oversized, we mean 30-60 pounds. But they also have many of the Pug’s better personality traits, such as their playfulness and ease of care. But Hugs can also be quite stubborn thanks to the Husky in their blood. But the Husky also helps to make this breed sharp, so they can easily understand what’s being asked of them.
34. Hungarian Greyhound
The Hungarian Greyhound, also known as the Magyar Agar, is a sighthound from the Carpathian Mountain Range of Hungary. This breed is hundreds of years old with plenty of evidence that indicates they likely traveled with their Hungarian masters. This shows that they were likely beloved family pets as well as utilitarian hunting dogs. But since there’s no written record for this breed until the 1800s, there’s not much more known about their origins.
35. Hungarian Kuvasz
Mention of this old livestock breed from Hungary can be found in old texts, showing that they’ve been successfully employed as working dogs for centuries. During that time, they served as royal guard dogs, livestock guards, and more recently, as loyal and loving family pets. These dogs are as intelligent as they are majestic, and capable of solving problems and puzzles. They’ve also seen success competing in a variety of dog sports and competitions.
36. Hungarian Puli Dog
These herding dogs have a feature that makes them instantly recognizable from other dog breeds; their “dreadlocks.” They have shaggy, curly, long coats that droop off of their bodies and cover their eyes. Yet, they’re surprisingly agile and swift, so all that hair never gets in the way. They’re excellent at the herding jobs they were bred for, thanks in part to their ability to learn quickly.
37. Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer
Also called the Hungarian Wire-haired Vizsla, this breed is incredibly rare, even in their home region of Hungary. In their native country, only about 30 litters are registered each year. But they’re excellent hunting dogs with level personalities that have proven to be easily trained. They also make great family pets for the same reasons.
38. Hungarian Vizsla
The Hungarian Vizsla, a separate breed from the Hungarian Wire-haired Vizsla, is a ruggedly built gundog that’s got endless endurance for long days spent tracking and hunting prey. They’re excellent athletes that learn well and show incredible loyalty. They bond strongly with their owner who they want to be beside at all times. Due to their impressive athleticism, these dogs excel at many different dog sports and competitions.
39. Huntaway (New Zealand Sheepdog)
Though the name might suggest that they were used for hunting, the Huntaway or New Zealand Sheepdog is actually a multi-purpose sheepherding dog that’s used for any and all tasks related to sheep herding. They originated in the late 1800s when the Border Collie was mixed with several native New Zealand breeds.
40. Hush Basset
The Hush Basset is the result of crossing a Cocker Spaniel and a Basset Hound. They have a face that always seems like it’s frowning, offset by drooping ears that only serve to strengthen the appearance of a gloomy dog. However, their temperaments are the exact opposite of how they look. These are happy dogs that are very social. They have loads of affection to give, which makes them a great fit for larger families. Though they can still make good hunting dogs with proper training, most Hush Bassets are used as lovable companion pets instead.
41. Huskimo Dog
This breed is the result of mixing a Siberian Husky and an American Eskimo. No, not the human kind, but the dog breed called the American Eskimo. These are medium-sized dogs of about 40-60 pounds with above-average intelligence. They require a strong leader who can clearly establish their authority. Otherwise, this breed will take on the role of alpha and can become unruly and difficult.
42. Huskita Dog
Akitas and Huskies are two incredibly intelligent, loyal dogs, so it makes sense to mix them and strengthen these highly desirable traits. You might also hear the Huskita called the Siberian Akita, but under either name, they’re naturally protective dogs that excel at completing tasks and jobs. They need a good bit of physical activity though. If they don’t get enough exercise, they can become destructive due to boredom.
43. Husky
Huskies are working dogs, built to pull sleds in sub-zero temperatures. They’re hardy dogs with exceptional endurance and a pack mentality. Their loyalty knows no bounds, but they’re also incredibly intelligent and often independent. This means you’re going to have to earn their loyalty, it’s not just freely given. But if you have a strong but loving hand and know how to handle their independent disposition, Huskies make incredible partners, companions, and working dogs.
44. Husky Jack
Here’s an interesting mix between a Siberian Husky and a Jack Russell Terrier. If you couldn’t guess, these dogs have tons of energy like an oversized Jack Russell. They’ve been around since the late 1900s, but since there is no breed standard and the breed isn’t stabilized, they’re not recognized by important governing bodies like the AKC.
45. Husky Wheaten
This is a designer dog created by crossing a Siberian Husky with a Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier. The mix makes for an interesting-looking canine, especially when they get the bright blue eyes that are sometimes seen in Huskies mixed with the soft, cream-colored coat of the Wheaten Terrier.
46. Hygenhund
This Norwegian hound was created in the late 1800s for hunting foxes and hares. They’re quite popular in their home country, though relatively unknown in the rest of the world. These dogs make naturally adept guard dogs and watchdogs since they’re loving and affectionate with their family but aggressive and defensive towards strangers.
Final Thoughts: Dog Breeds that Start with H
Did you know all of these breeds already? Or were there a few that you had never heard of before? With 339 internationally recognized dog breeds and hundreds more designer breeds that aren’t officially recognized, it’s no surprise that there are more than 40 breeds that start with the letter H alone.
See Also:
- 17 Dog Breeds Known for Howling (With Pictures)
- Havana Silk Dog: Guide, Pictures, Temperament & Traits
Featured Image Credit: Happy monkey, Shutterstock